About IASC Europe & CIS
The IASC was founded on May 27, 1989 and its legal address has been at Indiana University since then. Various global, regional and topical conferences have been organized in Europe over the years. Since 2018 we started to decentralize our coordination, particularly to facilitate understanding and practice of commons on more regional and local levels. We would like to support communication among the members as well as potential members of the association within the region/country/thematic areas, and reach out to broader external audiences.
Latest News
Call for Applications: PhD position on international agricultural policy and environmental governance at the University of Kassel – apply by December 21, 2020
The University of Kassel is offering a PhD position to candidates who are interested in Nature´s Contribution to People (NCP) especially its role for human well-being.
Call for Applications: Two PhD positions on commons at the Institute for Collective Action, Erasmus University Rotterdam – apply by January 15, 2021
The Institute for Collective Action of the Erasmus University Rotterdam is offering two PhD positions at the intersection of historical analysis and commons.
Ostrom Workshop Monday Colloquium Series 2020 – Commons Session and podcast by Insa Theesfeld (Update)
Insa Theesfeld president-elect of the IASC gave a talk at the Ostrom Workshop and joined the Governance Roundtable of the Ostrom Workshop (GROW).
IASC introduces the “In Common” podcast now available online
Just recently the IASC and the International Journal of the Commons announced partnership with the “In Common” podcast. Many podcasts are already available.
A new book “Proleptic Leadership on the Commons: Ushering in a New Global Order” by IASC member Randal J. Thompson
IASC member Randal Joy Thompson published a new book on emerging trends at the intersection of the commons and leadership.
Virtual conference on Ocean Governance – Nov 19-20, 2020
IASC member Achim Schlüter invites you to attend the “Conference on Ocean Governance: Action insights and foreshadowing challenges”.
A new special issue on property rights theory and more articles in the current volume of IJC
Special issue on property rights theory, and much more in the current volume of the International Journal of the Commons.
IASC World Commons Week 2020 – Global Keynote Webinar from Europe
Blue Growth and its implications will be presented during the Global Keynote Webinar by Achim Schlueter from the IASC’s Regional Group in Europe.
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World Commons Week
Regional Coordination Team
Tobias Haller
Extraordinary Professor in Social Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland
Tobias Haller is Extraordinary Professor in Social Anthropology at the Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland and lecturer at the ETH Zurich. He studied at the University of Zurich social anthropology, geography and sociology and made his PhD and his habilitation at the University of Zurich. After being project leader in the NCCCR North-South, he was appointed as Director of the Swiss Network for International Studies in Geneva in 2008. In 2009 he became Associate professor at the Institute of Social Anthropology in Bern until 2014 when he received an extraordinary professorship at the same institute.
Ilkhom Soliev
Professor of Environmental Sociology and Director of the Social Learning and Environmental Governance Lab, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Ilkhom Soliev is an institutional economist and interdisciplinary social-environmental researcher with focus on governance of common pool resources. He studies behavioral and institutional change for equitable and sustainable environmental governance. He examines societal transformations and path dependence across natural resource domains of water, land, forests, biodiversity, and climate, as well as in various cultural and political contexts. Currently he is leading the Horizon Europe Project PLANET4B. His most recent interests include experiential learning, survey experiments, power of discourse and social movements in the context of environmental governance, as well as transdisciplinary approaches to values and rights of nature.