Call for Applications: Two PhD positions on sustainable water governance in India based at MLU Halle, Germany, apply by September 15, 2019

The Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Policy with a focus on Governance and Natural Resources at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg calls for applications for filling 2 PhD positions through DAAD Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany.

The selected candidates will be provided with a letter of support for their application for the DAAD Research Grant for Doctoral Studies in Germany. The positions will be based on an international collaborative project “Scaling up experiential learning tools for sustainable water governance in India”.

 About the project:

“Scaling up experiential learning tools for sustainable water governance in India” is a collaborative project developed by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Foundation for Ecological Security (FES), The National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), and the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU Halle). The purpose of the project is to improve the capacities of 1,500 rural communities covering 105,000 households directly and 2,000 communities covering 140,000 indirectly in six Indian states to manage water more sustainably. This will be achieved through experiential learning from collective action games, community debriefings, and participatory water planning tools that contribute to greater awareness and improved governance, inducing behavioral change towards more sustainable water management. The experiential learning is expected to motivate communities to change behavior and adopt rules for collective water management, leading to sustainable water management and thereby contributing to the improved natural resources and ecosystem services and reduced poverty. The project builds on multi-year pioneering activities of the project partners across the globe and in India in particular, and represents an unprecedented scaling up initiative with a specific focus on governance aspects of natural resource management. The PhD candidates will work and collaborate with some of the leading scholars and practitioners in the field of collective action for management of the commons (i.e., shared natural resources such as forests, rangelands, and water).

Both positions are limited to three years (extension is possible), with the expected date of start October 1, 2020. Earlier start and some flexibility is possible, subject to availability of funds and mutual agreement.


  • Candidates must meet DAAD’s eligibility criteria, check here:
  • Master’s Degree in Agricultural Sciences, Sustainability Sciences, Environmental Policy, Resource Management, Institutional Economics, Behavioral Economics or related fields
  • Knowledge in environmental or water policy and governance, institutional analysis
  • Experience in research or applied projects in above or related fields is desired
  • Fluency in English is required, knowledge of Hindi and languages spoken in India is an advantage
  • Highly motivated personality, commitment to research, ability to work in a team and individually
  • Interest to work empirically and willingness to undertake extensive field work in India


If you meet the requirements and would be interested to work in this dynamic project apply by September 15, 2019 or share this call with your friends and colleagues who might be interested. Read about further details and how to apply here.


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