The place, dates and topics of the IASC 2023 Global Conference announced

Those who attended the IASC 2021 General Conference know – we have the place, the dates and the topics of the next global IASC Global Conference!

The IASC Global Conference on The Commons We Want – between historical legacies and future collective action is taking place during the week of June 19-24, 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya. The IASC will organize the six days event with the University of Bern, Switzerland and the University of Nairobi, Kenya. The collaboration focuses on three key topics: Decolonizing, Recognizing and Valorizing the Commons.

Guided field excursions are planned within the conference and after, of course with thematic linkages to various commons in Kenya. International scholars as well as local actors and practitioners are invited to join and to create a participatory definition of commons for collective action.

Watch the conference announcement video below and book your calendar. 


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