Call for Papers: Special Issue “The Ethics of the Commons”, Journal of the Business Ethics, submission deadline December 15, 2018

We would like to bring to your attention the Call for Papers for publication in a Special Issue on The Ethics of the Commons announced by the Journal of Business Ethics.

The organizers of the call explain that “[they] seek papers that shed light on the ethical foundations and implications of the commons. [ And that they] welcome original papers from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives and invite papers that provide insights into, but not limited to, the following topics”:

Topic 1: The following Conceptualization, Ethics and Rights related to the commons

–       How does ethics shape the definition and conceptualization of commons?

–       How do different ethical theories provide descriptive and normative insights into commons?

–       Property rights, including common property rights, are after all rights. How do the ethical implications of different property regimes compare and influence entrepreneurship and organizing?

–       For organizations and communities, how do ethical drivers enable collective action in social, environmental and other commons?

Topic 2: Governance of Commons

–       What are the motivations and mechanisms for cooperation and participation in commons governance and management?

–       What are the ethical challenges to and limits of collective action and decision-making in commons organizations?

–       How has the conception, practice and institutionalization of commons evolved over time, and what are the ethical factors that contribute to its evolution and persistence?

–       How do values and culture regenerate collective practices?

Topic 3: Social and Community Entrepreneurship and Impacts

–       What insights can a study of the commons offer to social and community entrepreneurship research?

–       How is social value created through commons organizations?

–       What are the ethical implications of new commons and new ways of commoning for entrepreneurship?

–       What are the ethical impacts of commons in housing? Food? Environmental activism? Other commons?

Topic 4: The Commons in a Market Society

–       Are there differences in the way that private property and common property regimes influence markets?  If so, what are the ethical implications?

–       Do prevailing conceptions of entrepreneurship impinge on the role of the commons as a means of producing and distributing goods, e.g., by new forms of enclosure in items such as traditional knowledge, patents, and the human genome?

–       Do commons represent an ethical challenge to capitalist-market/neoliberal political systems?

The deadline for submissions is 15 December 2018. For the full description of the call please follow this link:


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