Call for Applications: Researcher position on institutional and behavioural economics at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research – apply by April 25, 2021

The Leipniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) is looking for candidates to fill a position as researcher for a duration of 2.5 years (according to the German scale TV-L EG 13). Applications from candidates interested in institutional and behavioural economics as well as knowledge exchange are particularly welcome. The researcher will be working within the interdisciplinary research project “LeNa (Leitfaden Nachhaltigkeit)” in collaboration with the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF).

About the position

Based on an international literature review, the researcher will develop methodological approaches for a prospective impact analysis of natural resource research. This includes a well-founded selection of suitable indicators and a participatory design of impact pathways involving scientists of the ZMT and the ZALF in Müncheberg near Berlin. The indicators will focus on the transdisciplinarity of the research process (focus ZMT) and the global sustainability goals (focus ZALF). The developed methodology will be applied on a pilot basis to research projects and project clusters of the ZMT and ZALF. Based on this a more generic approach to impact analysis of research for the sustainable use of natural resources will be developed. The work will be conducted in close cooperation with a complementary position at ZALF and in collaboration with the interdisciplinary consortium of the LeNa project. Results will be published in relevant scientific journals.


  • Master’s degree and preferably PhD in environmental (social) sciences or a related field of study (sustainability sciences, geography, economics, and sociology).
  • If possible, knowledge of the methodology of research impact analysis
  • Very good interdisciplinary understanding of social-ecological research and the sustainability context, possibly in the marine domain
  • Experience in the implementation of participatory processes
  • Proficiency in written and spoken German and English
  • Excellent writing style and solid publication experience preferably in English

About the working group

The working group “Institutional and Behavioural Economics” analyses the interactions between resource users, the governance system and ecological peculiarities within complex social-ecological systems in the marine tropics, using empirical methods of qualitative case studies and experimental economics (natural, field and laboratory experiments). At the centre of attention are the questions of how formal and informal institutions affect decision-making of resource users who frequently face trade-offs between economic and ecological goals, how these institutions change, and how they should be designed in order to reconcile ecological, social, and economic sustainability.

If you are interested in the position and meet the requirements apply by April 25, 2021 or share this call with friends and colleagues who might be interested. Read more about details and how to apply here (link no longer available).


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