Supported and fully funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITNs) programme, the NEWAVE network offers 13 high level fellowships in the field of water governance. The Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) will be selected for a 3-year advanced multidisciplinary research training and enrolled in PhD programmes at different host organisations. They are expected to start before October 15, 2020. More information is available here.
The call for application is open until May 24, 2020.
- Would you like to be at the forefront of the global water governance debate, and planting the seeds for future actionable alternatives or improvements to the prevailing water governance paradigms?
- Would you like to be trained in the NEWAVE’s Problématiques-Paradigms-Patterns (PPP) heuristic framework and tackle the biggest water governance challenges?
- Are you interested in acquiring the trans- and interdisciplinary skills needed to make significant contributions to both the academic and extra-academic water governance world?
- Are you in the first four years of your research career, or will you graduate soon?
- Are you enthusiastic about moving between science, policy and practice in order to qualify for successful careers in research, consulting, industry or governance?
Available options:
PhD 1 – Multi-level assessment of water stress and institutional dynamics in the water-climate-conflict nexus
Host: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands – Geographical focus: Myanmar
PhD 2 – The politics of river basin closures
Host: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France – Geographical focus: Spain
PhD 3 – Water scarcity and migration in East Africa
Host: Politecnico di Milano, Italy – Geographical focus: Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania
PhD 4 – Rainwater harvesting, storage and use in mitigating drought emergencies in semiarid environments
Host: University of Nairobi, Kenya – Geographical focus: Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda
PhD 5 – Managing urban water demand across multiple spatio-temporal scales
Host: Politecnico di Milano, Italy – Geographical focus: Europe
PhD 6 – The European Union as an innovator in water governance paradigms. The case of sources, patterns and effects from the Water Framework Directive
Host: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands – Geographical focus: Europe
PhD 7 – From participation to co-production of socio-hydrological knowledge
Host: Fundación Nueva Cultura Del Agua (FNCA), Spain – Geographical focus: Spain
PhD 8 – Water/mining paradigms and the politics of naturalizing water overabundance: a comparative study of extractive industries’ political-material construction of flooding and drainage problems
Host: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands – Geographical focus: Guatemala, Netherlands
PhD 9 – Consultancy firms and the circulation of policy paradigms: roles, responsibilities and impacts
Host: ARCADIS, Netherlands – Geographical focus: Chile, Colombia
PhD 10 – Neither privatizing nor-remunicipalizing: Austerity as a means of initiating re-commoning governance practices
Host: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands – Geographical focus: Europe
PhD 11 – Assessing the sustainability of water governance systems in global comparison
Host: Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany – Geographical focus: Global
PhD 13 – Integrating patterns of urban water governance in Southeast Asia
Host: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands – Geographical focus: Indonesia
PhD 14 – Integrity, infrastructure and water sub-sector reform: comparing large scale irrigation and urban water supply in India and Indonesia
Host: School of Oriental and African Studies of London, England – Geographical focus: India, Indonesia
Eligibility criteria*:
- You must – at the date of recruitment – have obtained the MSc degree entitling you to embark on a doctorate
- You must – at the date of recruitment – be within the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of your research career and not have a doctoral degree
- Mobility rule: you must not have resided or carried out your main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the host organisation you are applying for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment date. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
*Please make sure you comply with the eligibility criteria before applying. You need to be able to provide documentation proving your eligibility for recruitment. You can read the full description of eligibility criteria in the Information Note for ITN Fellows, and in NEWAVE’s Frequently Asked Questions section.
NEWAVE is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) on the ‘Next Water Governance’. The aim of the project is to equip a new generation of future water governance leaders with fundamental knowledge, advanced skills, and adequate tools to address current and future water governance challenges. The exceptional and diversified scientific experience of the NEWAVE Consortium, the interdisciplinary approach and the prominence of the partner organisations guarantees the ESRs exposure to the latest scientific concepts and methodologies from fundamental to applied research.
Read about further details and information on how to apply here (link no longer available) and become one of the 15 Early Stage Researchers of the NEWAVE – Next Water Governance research network!
Host institutions:

Partner organisations: