Call for Articles: The role of traditional, transforming and new commons in landscapes – abstract deadline March 31, 2022

Acta geographica Slovenica will publish a special issue with the title Role of traditional, transforming and new commons in landscapes in 2023 and invites researchers to submit papers. 

In this special issue, the journal draws attention to commons and collective actions related to sustainable landscape management and natural resource governance. Community-based forms of sustainable land use and resource management may offer an alternative way to overcome challenges that impact landscapes, natural resources and processes, such as population trends, increasingly market-oriented agriculture, and/or urbanisation. The combination of these trends leads to both overgrowth and overuse of agricultural land, resulting in landscape impoverishment and loss of biodiversity, which in turn affects the provision of ecosystem services. Therefore, it is vital to know alternatives for landscape management, especially for managing mosaic landscapes with diverse land uses.

Researchers are invited to explore and identify forms and practices within the concept of commons and collective action as a basis for sustainable landscape management and a potential governance strategy that mitigates the causes and consequences of landscape degradation in both rural and urban areas. All contributions that fit the theme are welcome, especially those that address the following topics:

     – traditional, transforming and new commons in rural and urban areas,

     – transforming commons as a new research concept,

     – commons and natural resource governance,

     – commons and collective actions that contribute to community resilience.

Articles will go through the standard peer-review process.

Important dates:

Deadline for abstract submission: March 31, 2022

Notification of the abstract acceptance: April 14, 2022

Deadline for article submission: August 31, 2022

Guest Editors:

Mateja Šmid Hribar (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia) 

Mimi Urbanc (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia) 

Keiko Hori (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan)

More information on submission can be found here. 


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