The three winners of the first World Commons Week ‘teaching the commons’ video contest have been determined.
Van Panchayat: The Forest Commons of Himalaya
by Varun Raja (Apex Film Works, Bhopal India) and Seema Ravandale (University of Massachusetts Amherst).
Intended educational audience: university level and the broader public.
The SICADE-model to understand Institutions for Collective Action
by Coline Serres, Damion Bunders and others with the Institutions for Collective Action team at
Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Intended educational audience: University level.
Lego, Minifigs and Dinosaurs: The Tragedy of the Commons Explained
by Frank van Laerhoven at Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
Intended educational audience: secondary and possibly primary school.
Listed in alphabetical order.
Note: The vote tallies for the third place candidate were very close.
The Institutional Naturalist – for university students
by Erik Nordman, Grand Valley State University
Intended educational audience: university level.
Teaching the Commons: A Remote Experience
– for university students
by Elia Elisa Cia Alves and Alan Henrique Gomes, Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil
Intended educational audience: university level.